Arlington Housing Authority Partnerships
Arlington Center for the Arts (ACA) is proud to partner with the Arlington Housing Authority (AHA) on a new project to bring quality, free arts programming directly to community members residing at AHA sites. The pilot project is set to occur in the Fall of 2023, with a total of 6 classes at two sites. The Tenant’s Associations of Winslow Towers and Cusack Terrace have been collaborating with ACA staff members Cat Beaudoin and Delia Tharnish to identify tenant interests and dates/times that work for residents.
One of the goals set forth in ACA’s new strategic plan is to engage underserved/underrepresented community members. AHA serves over 1,000 Arlington residents, most of whom are seniors and/or have disabilities. Through building relationships with other community partners, ACA is working towards new and exciting possibilities for the organization and community as a whole. ACA values our community partners and we look forward to continued, sustainable collaboration that invites all members of our community to celebrate through the arts.
Programs have included:
Chair Yoga w/ Mimi Izzo
Seasonal Winter Crafts w/ Lela Clawson-Miller
Watercolor Painting w/ Corry Buckwalter
Chinese Paper Cutting w/ Elena Li