Disarming: Memorial Quilts for Mass Shooting Victims

Las Vegas Victims Quilt, 2017

In Our Sights, 2017

Julie Brown Neu
Memorial Quilts by Julie Brown Neu
Exhibit opens: April 20, 2019
Opening Reception: Saturday, April 27, 4:00-6:00pm
As quilt artist Julie Brown Neu considered answering the call for quilts to comfort the families of victims of the mass shooting in Orlando, Florida in 2016, the thought, "No, you should make quilts for the victims themselves," came to her instead. In that moment, she began the Victims Quilt Project as a way to remember the victims long after the days of thoughts and prayers had passed.
Starting with the shooting at Columbine High School on April 20, 1999, Julie made a quilt block with the name of each person who died in a mass shooting in which more than 10 people were massacred at once. To date, she has made 310 blocks in 14 quilts for the shootings in:
Columbine High School, CO
Virginia Tech, VA
Binghamton, NY
Fort Hood, TX
Aurora, CO
Sandy Hook Elementary, CT
Washington, DC
San Bernadino, CA
Orlando, FL
Las Vegas, NV
Sutherland Springs, TX
Parkland, FL
Pittsburgh, PA
Thousand Oaks, CA
This exhibit includes all 14 memorial quilts, plus "Bullet Holes," in which 796 holes represent victims of mass shooting events large and small from 1990 to 2018, and "In Our Sights," which includes pages from The New York Times covering the shooting in Las Vegas in 2017.
Julie Brown Neu began quilting more than 20 years ago as a way to fill her free time after graduating from college. As the years passed, quilting became a vital form of artistic expression for her. Julie is now a working artist from Arlington, MA, who uses the soft form of cloth and the nostalgic medium of quilts to explore the hard topics of sexism, xenophobia, and mass shooting violence.
To learn more about Julie and the Victims Quilt Project, visit www.julieneu.com