Arlington native Lindsay Culbert-Olds returns home with a new circus troupe to perform at the Arlington Center for the Arts, August 19 & 20.

22-year old Arlington native Lindsay Culbert-Olds didn’t grow up dreaming of joining the circus. Sure, she loved gymnastics and attended Circus Smirkus camp as a youngster. During high school, she even studied trapeze at the New England Center for Circus Arts in Vermont. But she never imagined she could make a career as a circus artist.
After a short stint at Mount Holyoke college in the US, Lindsay’s passion for the trapeze took her to circus school in Montreal, where she and a dynamic group of 10 fellow circus arts students have formed the FAQ Circus Collective, a company made up of 10 circus friends, classmates and coworkers who share the dream of creating a new American circus company. They’re touring the US this summer, hoping to challenge preconceptions about what a circus is, and what it can be.
“So many other countries throughout the world have an incredibly rich circus culture and respect for the art. The United States is just beginning to discover modern circus, and we hope to bring what we have learned from studying abroad back to our home country to inspire the growth of the modern American circus.” –FAQ Circus

FAQ Circus will perform two evening shows at the Arlington Center for the Arts – August 19 & 20 at 7:30 pm. Please note: advance tickets are currently sold out. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door, first come, first served.
FAQ will perform an abbreviated version of their show on Tuesday, August 20 at 1:00, as guest artists during ACA’s summer arts camp. The public is invited to attend this performance for a $5 admission fee. Seats are limited, doors open at 12:45.
In a wonderful Arlington Center for the Arts connection, Lindsay is the daughter of Arlington artist Henry Olds, a frequent participant in Arlington Open Studios and Gibbs Gallery Exhibits. ACA Blog readers may remember Henry from a series of blog posts back in 2011: “Behind the design… introducing Henry Olds, Jr. and an unexpected artistic inspiration” and… Open Studios Inspiration, part 2: Happy Reunions
For more information about FAQ Circus, visit their website.