We’ve been getting a lot of compliments on this year’s Arlington Open Studios postcard design, and wanted to share a great “story behind the story” about the colorful image we’ve been using in the graphics for AOS 2011 (and in our blog header, above!).

The colorful image in the card is a digitally manipulated photograph created by Arlington artist Henry Olds, Jr. Henry has exhibited in Arlington Open Studios for the past several years, and last year won an award for “Best Use of Technology” for a piece in ACA’s Annual “Images of Arlington” Exhibit.

Henry uses a process he calls “Patternplay,” digitally manipulating a single-image photograph (or piece of a photograph) to create colorful, rhythmic prints, often creating compositions that bear little resemblance to the original image.
Part of the fun in looking at Henry’s work is trying to figure out what the original image was that he used to create the piece. So when we selected Henry’s image for the Open Studios postcard, we just had to ask…
“Where did this image come from…?”

Here’s what Henry told us: “The pattern I used for the print was actually created by a young girl who lives across the street from me. She was using chalks to color the pavers on her front walk. First, I took several pictures of her at work. Then I realized that I should take a picture of the pattern itself for my own pattern play purposes. It did work out very nicely!”

Want to see more? View Henry’s artwork on his website. Visit Henry (and 80+ other local artists!) at Arlington Open Studios 2011, October 15 & 16, 12 noon – 5:00 pm.
Posted in Arlington Open Studios, Events, Gallery| TaggedOpen Studios, Pattern Play, Sidewalk Chalk| 1 Reply